Sometimes "normal" Overdrive is not enough. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from An alternative to using a narrator (or making characters look bat-shit crazy as they stand around talking to … Ryan is startled to see a Not Quite Dead Kowalski outside the Soyuz hatch, which he opens even though she's not wearing her helmet, blowing out all the air but leaving her unharmed once he closes the hatch … The trope quite correctly notes that it can happen if you have a really high pressure gradient, say, 8-9 atm to 1 atm. Link: Breath Weapon - TV Tropes For example, ... That sort of sudden pressure differential is called explosive decompression for a reason. WARNING: UNMARKED SPOILERS BELOW. It's a Space Opera setting, with Faster-Than-Light Travel of the Subspace or Hyperspace type which is invented after a fair amount of sub-light exploration and colonization. Evil Luddite: Well, obviously.All Luddites are evil*. An astronomer in a Japanese observatory, peering into his telescope one night, becomes the first person to witness a planet emerging from a wormhole. Early episodes were hosted by Natasha Henstridge.The program features reenactments of various urban legends and research into their credibility. In folklore, many different kinds of monsters kill and eat children and infants. Others merely make children seriously ill or cause them to vanish (replacing them with fairy changelings). Almost any piece of Applied Phlebotinum can be made to work a little harder, at the cost of an increased risk (or certainty) that it will eventually explode. First of all, it plays on primal fears of the audience. All the air in the suit would be vented in less then a second, this is known as explosive decompression. Just no. Wide Load . Well, with one exception. After all, you're basically trying to saw through the floor (or wall), a task guns weren't exactly designed for. If explosive decompression were to occur, a constant wind will appear and attempt to blow the entire contents out into space, and will only cease once the hole has been closed. It does not explosively decompress unless the structure of the tire fails completely (e.g. But also: (b) Most decompression is not explosive. Explosive Breeder « Video Examples » Explosive Leash; Show Spoilers . Averted in Gravity . It's made of complex organs, protected and supported by a strong skeletal structure, boasts tendons and muscles capable of exerting dynamic strength upon the objects it interacts with, and has the ability to heal and regenerate itself from damage over time. Index. Tropes relating to outer space, spaceships, space travel and space colonies. The 22 nd Dieron Regulars are a veteran unit, but so are the 10 th Skye and Richard’s Panzers, while the Fourth Royals are now demonstrably elite forces. These stories were explanations for the high infant … If you were looking for the concept of recycling a show's premise with a new setting, that's Recycled in Space. Hollywood is not interested in teaching or even researching physics, and generally doesn't even depict normal explosions on Earth accurately, so it's no surprise that explosions in space rely on Rule of Cool rather than science. Most TV writers and video game developers, however forget that … Incorrectly Regarded as Goof - Opening the visor of an EV suit while out in space, even for a second, would be fatal. Dead Space 2 is the sequel to the well-received Dead Space and the second game in the Dead Space series. TV Tropes is a wiki website that collects and documents descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices, more commonly known as tropes, within many creative works. A sudden shift in pressure makes your everything asplode. Since its establishment in 2004, the site has shifted focus from covering only television and film tropes to those in general media such as literature, comics, anime, manga, video games, radio, music, … Specifically, among other things: (a) Explosive decompression be explosive, yo. Sticky Header . The trope quite correctly notes that it can happen if you have a really high pressure gradient, say, 8-9 atm to 1 atm. Have you ever put your hand in front of a fire? Well, with one exception. that his eyes stretch far from his eyesockets or even pop from their sockets, connected only by a thin muscle, or not stay connected at all and fall to the floor, or a myriad of things. A slight variation of this is decompression sickness (or the "bends"), which tends to (mostly) happen in divers. You won't explode but, like the airplanes examples above, this can lead to your lungs rupturing. More often than not, the AGE type happens when a diver ascends to the surface too quickly or if the diver had lung conditions prior. (* Space Amish excepted, for obvious reasons.) Stuff Blowing Up is cool enough, but it somehow becomes even cooler when that stuff is human heads. (In the trope sense. Previous. In search of his … Five TV tropes that need to die. Three units should still be enough, especially with the Ducal Guard providing an extra mixed Battalion, and other units steadily moving up from the Marik border. As You Know, one of the more obnoxious side-effects of creating a believable world in Speculative Fiction is Expospeak. The navigation room might have an astrodome for emergency navigation. It can take a lot more punishment than most … …as the assortment of asshats gathered under the banners of the Enforcers of Mortality, Biotist Alliance, Parents for Natural Children, Never Last, the Ecoprimacy System, etc., etc., would demonstrate.Unfortunately for them, since Rock does not in fact Beat Laser, only … The sudden pressure drop would cause all the capillaries on your face to burst, and your skin and eyes would flash freeze. A subtrope of Space Does Not Work That Way. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Humans are used to a pressure of 101,300 pascals. Follow TV Tropes. To date, the three crew members — Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov, and Viktor Patsayev — are the only humans to have died in space. The breach was small enough to avoid Explosive Decompression, but it quickly rendered the cosmonauts unconscious due to hypoxia within a few seconds, and they were dead by the time the craft landed. Example of: Explosive Decompression. Mostly True Stories? Explosive Decompression: No. The Your Head A-Splode trope as used in popular culture. Explosive Decompression: No. Explosive Decompression happened frequently in this movie, which opened with an anonymous character exploding inside his space-suit. (In the trope sense. The topic of explosive decompression generates a lot of nonsense, particularly in science fiction films and television series, but also scattered across the internet generally. From eccentric scientists to sexy dead women, television is full of repetitive motifs that must desist immediately. A page for describing Laconic: Explosive Decompression. Immediately, one of the crew cites explosive decompression as a possible cause, and another shoots it down just as fast; "Decompression doesn't do that." All that and you haven’t even gotten to the monsters yet. if it is overheated). (In the trope sense. The game continues the story of Isaac Clarke, the only surviving member of the team sent to the planet-cracker USG Ishimura. CONTINUE? Others show distressed space travelers surviving in space for at least brief periods. A Necessary Drawback to show why it shouldn' … Obviously it can happen in the technical sense.) Not so in TV science fiction. When they do appear, albeit briefly and in creepy flashes, they play on fears of predators lurking in the dark. The term "Explosive Decompression" is legitimate, but it refers to the speed at which the decompression occurs, not the result or cause. There has only been one recorded incident of explosive decompression aboard spacecraft that killed the crew, and numerous cases of explosive decompression on aircraft (several of which led to crashes). Continuous Decompression: Averted in exactly the hard-SFnal ways one might expect it to be. Next. Some movies show gross body parts flying everywhere. I've got it! Well, with one exception. All the novels take place after the FTL … Side effects of this TV Tropes entry may include Ruining your life, Author Appeal, Gorn, Brontophobia, Brontosaurophobia, and Involuntary Shapeshifting. : Urban Legends Revealed is an American documentary television series about urban legends.It aired on TLC from 2002 to 2004, running for four seasons. That being said, a high yield (~1MT or greater) nuke is excellent at mission killing ships if it goes off near the hull, due to frying sensors, disabling weapons due to welding turrets to their barbets, warping gun barrels and hatches due to … Aha! Just no. Obviously it can happen in the technical sense.) TV Tropes debunks the space-battles-at-toe-to-toe-range myth in great detail in the listing See the Whites of Their Eyes. Total Recall: In real life, Mars has a mean atmospheric pressure of 600 pascals. But what about the age-old trope of explosive decompression? The Paranoia mission "Clones in Space" is infamous for including an Explosive Decompression Table. This being Paranoia, you always die, but you can roll dice to randomly vary the exact manner in which you do so (exploding, charring, freezing, all of the above...)
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